Armed and Trained Citizenry

September 29th, 2009  

Dr. Piazza,

I have delayed contacting you for some time.

My demographics are that I am a W/M, 59 years of age, have 23 years of law enforcement experience. I have a Bachelors Degree in Public Safety, and am politically conservative.I have recieved numerous Commendations and have never been the topic of an internal investigation.

I am a Lieutenent with a Sheriffs Office in  Fl.

I have survived two shootouts which resulted in fatal injuries to the suspects.

I serve as the Assistant Commander in the Criminal Investigation Division.

We are charged with the investigation of all Felony crimes in a 640 square mile area.

Because of these factors, I feel that I am qualified to respond professionally to you.

I have read and reread your article #6 regarding the moral and ethical decisions confronted by armed citizens when they are placed in potentially life threatening situations.

I concur with everything you say.

A well armed and TRAINED citizenry is the only chance that a 200 year old Representative Democracy has. Most people who choose to own a firearm for home or personal defense are untrained and poorly equipped emotionally and operationally for the task. Your personal references and passion for helping them reach awareness of the tremendous responsibility they are assuming indicate to me comfortable acquaintance with the topic.

I applaud your training and efforts to  educate armed citizens.

Hopefully, I will be able to join you for some training in the near future.

This e-mail may not provide you with any insights but it will validate the necessity for what you are doing.


Andy T.

Entry Filed under: From the Mail Bag,Gun Training,second amendment.

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