Is Dr Ignatius Piazza a racist? Here’s what you said about it…

September 29th, 2009  

Below are your responses to the question: “Is Dr Piazza a racist?” that was asked in yesterday’s blog.


Dr. Piazza,

Keep doing what you’re doing and be proud. Those using the race card are the real losers. That is what they throw at you when they have nothing else. Most of us know what’s going on. Freedom is being attacked by the left every day and we must stand firm. No other nation is as great as America and those who think otherwise are fooling themselves. If it’s so bad why stay here?

Your friend,
Joseph S.


Hello Dr. Piazza,

I can only apologize for the overwhelming ignorance of people who have been taken in by this stealth apparition of a man proclaiming falsehoods. I for one am not fooled for one moment & look past the false veneer to see the demonic vision this man is operating under. I proudly attended the 912 March held in DC & only because of what these self serving politicians have collectively done to this country over the years (all but a mere handful have not contributed to its demise) is what stands between me enrolling in your course at this time. I keep faith & as soon as I turn my economic life around I would like to know if I can  partake of this great opportunity that you are offering.

This country needs and creates true patriots like yourself when troubled times arise so keep doing THE RIGHT DAMN THING!!

Proud to be a black/PR man in this great country that has God created.

Semper Fi,
Lou A.


Dear Dr. Piazza,

I am one of the many followers of your blog, and find it to be most enlightening and entertaining. On 09/12 of this year, I was otherwise occupied and unable to attend any of the rallies or tea parties, although I have friends and family that did attend a local tea party, and they conveyed my support with them. I think that your “Thank You” to the Washington D.C. marchers is a wonderful gift, and my only hope is that as many of those patriots as possible take you up on it. Nothing is more important to firearms ownership than proper training in the use and care of the firearm. It is certain that the only media stories we will ever see will be about firearms tragedies and misuse, the only ammunition that we as gun owners have against that is people like you and your staff. Now, to the reason I’m writing this. You came under attack for being a racist because of your blog, supporting the 9/12 march. Make no mistake, even if you had not mentioned the “Million Man March” (Park police estimated that one at about 125,000), or President Obama’s inauguration, they would have labeled you a racist. You would have received that label because you showed support for an event that voices disagreement with President Obama. So far, the media has labeled, belittled, and ignored anyone who has had the audacity to publicly disagree with the President, current Congress or Senate, or any of their Socialist ideas. Dr. Piazza, keep the faith, you’re on the right side of history, on this matter, and keep up the exemplary work that you do at Front Sight.

Warmest Regards,
Jeff and Dawn B.


Dear Dr. Ignatius Piazza,

Our 1st and 2nd Amendment rights of freedom of speech and the right to bear arms has nothing to do with race. It’s guaranteed to all Americans of every color and creed. For those who would turn the right of assembly and the right to petition our legislators into a racial issue indicates their pathetic and desperate attempts to subvert the right of every citizen. All our lives, we were taught that Fascism and the  quashing of the citizenry would come from the fanatical political right. What we’re now discovering is that these very same measures come from the political left. Liberal and Progressive political parties are the ones carrying the Fascist banners. If we don’t stand our ground, they’ll pick us off one at a time until there’ll be no one remaining. I applaud your efforts to protect all Americans and the Constitution.

Joachim B.


Dr Ignatius,

Thank you!  Thank you for saying it straight so there can be no confusion, and thank you for the great pictures from 9/12.  I too missed the event (and we live in Fredericksburg Virginia, just 50 miles south of DC) as I was at a weekend Appleseed rifle shoot sponsored by the Revolutionary War Veterans Association, along with my wife and son where we were learning rifle marksmanship–it was much harder on this old body than I thought it would be.  Next month I hope to take one of my daughters and possibly one of the eight grand children too.

Ah, but I digress, I wrote to thank you for what you do for the rest of us Americans.  I doubt that this 56+ old man will ever be able to make it out to one of your courses but I greatly appreciate the exposure to the information in your newsletters, it is very beneficial and, who knows, maybe one day one of my kids or one of their kids will make the trip.

Paul W.


Hoorah Dr. Piazza!!  Keep it up.  Could not be said any clearer or better.

Jack N.



Don’t let these people get you down. Today, everyone is too thin-skinned and they should grow up.

But, with the likes of Sharpton and Jackson fueling innocent remarks (such as yours), this is why our great country has fallen to this level.

The people that sent you the hate mail are the REAL racists. Keep up the good work, you are an American everyone should be proud of.

I don’t write letters like this, but this one had to be done. Again, don’t give it another thought.

Walter F.


Dear Dr. Piazza

I too have been accused of this,  merely for expressing my opinion. And have found the best way to counter this is: Not To Apologize!  I do not offer any explanation, no excuses, no links to minority friendships… I just don’t give them any credibility to their unfounded claims.

I do remind them that if this is their only means to confront the facts – by attempting to divert attention away from reality, by avoiding their feeble stand and making faceless attacks, by trying to suck reasoned and moral people into their fantasy.

I kindly tell them they are, for lack of better words, Retarded. That if this is the only way they can rebut facts against their stand, then they have no stand.

I do not feel your explanation to the accusation was an apology; I do think the socialists will make an effort to take it that way.

Sir, I will continue to pray for you, and all the great Patriots looking after our rights. I too am a strong supporter of our 2nd Amendment – and am an avid firearm sportsman…

Until next time, May God Bless you in your-our fight for freedom…

Reverend Jack D.


Dr. Piazza,

I just want to offer my support. I have been searching news sites for pictures of the march and found nothing. They treat it like a hand full of people showed up, but your pics are an eye opener. That is a huge turn out and the lack of media coverage is appalling. It really hits home where the media stands in this whole debate.

As far as the racist charges go we all know that is just a cop out when the opposition has no facts to stand on. I mean really, so if we had a president that was white and wanted blanketing gun control and socialization of our economy (Clinton) we would all be in favor of it? My skin cringes when I hear stories like that. There was nothing in your comments that had anything to do with race. Those statements are as silly as them calling you a Martian.

Keep up the good work!

George G.


Dr. Piazza,

Well, I’ve been to Front Sight and I’ve been getting your emails for about 8 months, and I’ve not seen even the slightest hint of racism.

None.  Zero.  Zip.

I’m sure you will get past this accusation, since it is not true!

Best to you.
Thomas S.


Dear Ignatius,

I trust you are doing well.

I truly have enjoyed the last 3 weeks of blogs and commend your “My Debt of Gratitude” Blog and 912 offer.

My schedule has been very hectic and busy lately and I haven’t send you a note. However, when I was reading that people was calling you racist, I knew I had to send you one.

I am glad that you responded and exposed them.

As you know some people will never get it and will never understand how blessed they are to have people like you, caring enough to make a difference.

Don’t let such comments bother you, keep in mind the silent majority, keep the good fight and the great work !

Looking forward to my first Front Sight training in October 16, 2009 !

Have a great day,
German G.


Dr Piazza,

I do not believe you are a racist. I thank you and applaud you in all that you do!

I believe in what you are doing. Just thought I’d send this as an encouragement for you to keep doing what you are doing!!!! You go Dr Piazza

Have a great day
Blessings, Marcia L.


Dr. Piazza,

I am an American of African ancestry (I am not a hyphenated-American so I refuse to use the current politically correct term).  The title of your email had me scratching my head trying to figure out how someone could accuse you of being racist because of your blog about the “Debt of Gratitude gathering”.  When I read your response it was clear that the people who say that are using one of the standard tactics used by those who really have nothing of substance to say.

“If you can’t attack the message, attack the messenger.”

Ken H.


Dr. Piazza,

You are a Great American …Thank you for all you are doing for the U.S.A.

Gerald F.


I think Dr. Ignatius Piazza is too much of a stand up guy to even bother responding to false accusations.  You owe no apologies, and I would advise you to pretend that those ignorant people do not exist.  People who are ignorant enough to cry racism over any little misconstrued thing do not deserve any attention.  Keep up the great job that you do, being a great icon for the American public and God bless you!!

Randy B.


Dr. Piazza,

When they call you a racist they are trying to bait you into making intemperate remarks.

Why would they bother?  You threaten their way of thinking and they are out to destroy the 2nd Amendment and you are a storng supporter so you become a target.

Typical Bill Ayers and Saul Alinsky politics right out of the South Side of Chicago.

Glad you didn’t fall for the bait.  Don’t believe for a minute they believe it — they are just using that as a tactic in the bigger battle they are fighting.

You should be proud you have risen to the level of prominence that makes you a target.

Good Luck,
Brian F


God bless you, Dr. Piazza, for dealing directly and effectively with the bullsh-t racist charge.  That charge is moronic and the whole “race card” thingy is tired and overdone.  It has no meaning anymore, except to indicate leftist orientation of the speaker.

Keep up your great work, as a premier training organization and as a patriot in a country whose government has run amuck and out of control.

Raymond J., PhD, MBA


Geez Dr. Piazza,

I need to keep up with the definitions of “racist”.

Here you are said to be one and I did not even know it.

You are one of my heroes and I would be proud to tell all the anti-gun and anti-freedom folks that would like to know.

David B.


Dr Ignatius Piazza:

In response for those calling you a racist….well, I guess the millions of us who did the march on D.C. are all racists….

No, your not a racist, you are a Patriot, as I am a Patriot, who loves this country and was willing to die for our country, while I served in the Military..

I assume all veterans who were in the march were also racists….

This is what our country is made of….freedom of speech and expression…

God Bless what your resort stands for and what you are accomplishing in supporting the Second Amendment and teaching law biding Americans the proper use of firearms..

I do forward all your mail to all those in address book and NEVER received one negative response on the letter of yours that I forward..

I support you as a true Patriot of America in supporting the Constitution

Rene H.


Dr Piazza,

These people are “nut jobs!”

I have been to Front Sight and seen the quality of human beings you hire and there is no racism!!!

I have performed all over the world and have seen and know what racism is.

You have NO apologies to make.

Thank you for you patriotism.

Scott R.


Hello Dr. Piazza

I have been receiving you reports and really like them….thank you. I am  a Canadian, so I’m sure you know our gun laws stink. I didn’t sign up because of the cost as I live on a pension that is less than half of what the goverment gives refugees. I do have  proper licensing to own and purchase all legal fire arms in Canada.

Maybe next year.


Thank you

Peter Z.


Dear Professor Piazza,

Your postings and comments through all this mess have been right on, in my book!!!  Thanks for your contributions to the struggle for liberty and freedom.

Most Sincerely,
Sam K.


Dear Dr. Piazza:

Since last March 1  I’ve been receiving regular e-mails from your remarkable organization. Your philosophy on firearms and self-defense has greatly influenced (actually changed my own opinions on these subjects.) Thank you. I fully intend to eventually take a firearms training course at Front Sight. How I wish y’all had an eastern facility. However, I imagine you get comments from many people wishing that there were other locations for Front Sight. Hopefully, y’all will soon expand!

I deeply regret that a patriot like you has been called “racist.” Outrageous. Especially, considering the well-written commentary from you on an event of historical significance. Are the individuals labeling you even taking the time to fully read your remarks?

Don’t be dismayed. You ARE making a significant difference in people’s thoughts.(Once I get my glasses changed even I who haven’t shot a gun in years will be out to Nevada!) Be proud of your fine efforts. The citizens of this country need you and Front Sight, and will be ever more appreciative of your efforts as time goes on.

Lawrence H.


All above comments posted by a neutral 3rd party in the order received, without alteration except for spelling or grammar, with data removed that might violate the privacy of the writer, e.g. full names or addresses.

Entry Filed under: Dr. Ignatius Piazza,From the Mail Bag,Front Sight,Gun Training,second amendment.

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