Been shooting since he was 9

September 19th, 2007  

Dear Dr. Ignatius Piazza,

I am 74 years old and have owned and shot long guns, shotguns and handguns since I was 9 years old when my dad gave me my first 16 Ga. double
barreled shotgun.  I slept with it that night. The following year, he gave me my first 0.22 rifle.

After reading your fifth report, I think I would classify myself as Consciously Incompetent.  I have always taken care of my guns, kept them clean, and kept then in a safe place in a gun cabinet, locked where our children could not get them, though they could look.  I have kept a handgun readily available in the bedroom with ammo in a different place, but near.

I joined the NRA when I was nine, and shot in the competitions with a 0.22 Mossberg and was a very distinguished marksman for a kid shooting targets.

However, one of the things I learned even at that young age that has stayed with me is the need for training from someone who was much better than I.

Many years have passed.  I have some beautiful racks on my home office wall, and I have some nice weapons.  However, that lingering desire for more
training still goes with me.

Why haven’t I taken the time out to go get more training?  Simply because the few training courses I took were through a range, and I felt that I knew more and could shoot better than my instructor yet I knew that there was more – somewhere.  As the years went by, I was a busy corporate executive, the CEO of a very large aerospace company, we had five children, and I was doing business in 44 countries, so weapons training took a back seat – way back!

Now, even though I have had a debilitating SCUBA diving accident and am wheelchair bound, that little voice in my head and heart is still calling. I want and need more weapons training, specifically handgun.  Then, I just happened to run across Front Sight when doing a search on the internet. I have been looking to buy another handgun with a laser to overcome my lack of shooting skills at night and under possible stress.  I immediately signed up for your 15 training reports.  I just completed #5 and have viewed all the videos.  You are it!!  Front Sight is what has been calling me all these years.  You are that little voice in my heart and head.

I am trying to put together a way to get to Las Vegas from Florida.  My accident prohibits my flying except when pressurized to sea level AND from driving or sitting in a car for any length of time.  BUT … I will find a way … some way to get to Front Sight.

For what you have given me so far just through these reports, Thank you, very much.  I don’t know how or when, but I will see you at Front sight.


Entry Filed under: From the Mail Bag,Front Sight.

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